Current research by Bessel Van der Kolk, Barry Bittman MD and other researchers is now verifying the therapeutic effects of ancient rhythmic drumming. Recent research reviews indicate that drumming accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system and produces feelings of well-being. a release of emotional trauma and reintegration of self.
So many lessons we learn in the drum circle can be directly applied in our lives. The beauty is that the actual learning process is embedded in the joyful, relaxing and centering practice of drumming, and is seemless and transparent.
Braima Moiwia was born in Sierra Leone, West Africa where his mother was the village healer. Through observing her and learning from the wisdom of his grandmother and other village elders, Braima has developed his skills and knowlege in leading Healing Drum Circles.
Braima is known throughout the Southeast United States for his work over the past 25 years as a musician/drummer and storyteller in schools, universities and at UNC's DooR to DooR in-patient programs. He has led cultural tours to the Gullah Islands, presented on the history of African rice producing cultures at historical sites in coastal South Carolina and Georgia and performed stories and taught drumming at numerous festivals.
Amy Elliott brings her background as a creative arts therapist and mindfulness practitioner to partner with Braima, whose she has seen perform and teach since the early 1990s. In 2013 Amy accompanied Braima on one of his visits to his village in Sierra Leone.